All About the Eyes: Norman Day Spa Treatments

You do not need to be a scientist to know that first impressions are important. But, in case you did want to hear it from actual researchers, then they say it is true, too. However, not all things are equal when it comes to making a good first impression. What’s the thing that you notice about something the most when you first meet them? Well, for 69% of people on dating apps, it is the eyes. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. Most of us have heard the old adage that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. So, if it is true that our eyes are important when it comes to first impressions, and we know first impressions are important, then our eyes need attention. Brow wax, lash lift, and puffy eye treatments aren’t luxuries when you think about it like that. Taking care of your peepers should be a priority. 

The History of Brow Waxing: Norman and Beyond

Different cultures have different standards of beauty, but there’s something about our eyes that are universal. You do not have to be an ancient Egyptian to be enamored with depictions of Cleopatra’s captivating stare. Throughout time and across geography, our eyes have held an important place in society. That means accenting them with treatments has also been important. 

Medical researchers trace the practice of hair removal back to nearly 30,000 years ago. Some of the original practices were fairly crude, including scraping seashells on the skin. Ancient Egyptians improved upon these practices and invented sugaring and waxing. They used a combination of sugar and beeswax, which is why we call it sugaring and waxing. Norman, OK spa enthusiasts are engaging in ancient forms of spa rituals anytime they get a brow waxing

Along with waxing, the practice of shaping the eyebrow for aesthetics has also been popular for centuries. Norman, OK brow waxing enthusiasts would be excited to learn that the art of shaping brows goes back to places like China, India, and Iran. Asian cultures perfected the art of brow threading; however, the practice has gone global, even here in Norman. Brow waxing, lash threading, and any other way to shape your brows can be found in any city in the USA. 

The History of Lash Lifts: Norman and Beyond

Scientifically speaking, there is no reason why we should be trying to extend our eyelashes. Our eyelashes are perfectly designed at ⅓ the length of our eyes. This perfects the airflow in and around our eyes to prevent them from drying out. However, we all know that beauty doesn’t always make sense according to science. Anyone who has ever worn high heels for an evening knows that we do some unnatural things to look unnaturally beautiful.  

History shows that people will go to great lengths to achieve desired looks. Eyelash extensions go back to the Romans. We first learned about them from Pliny the Elder who wrote about their importance. Hundreds of years later in the 1800s, the long lash beauty trend picked up speed and took a more painful turn. Women started to tire of fake eyelashes falling off, so they started to glue them to their eyelids. Unfortunately, they still fell off, which caused them to turn to more extreme measures. They eventually started to sew fake eyelashes directly into the eyelids. I don’t know about you, but the idea of sewing needles that close to my eyes makes me really nervous and uncomfortable. Fortunately, you do not have to go to such extreme measures in Norman. Lash lifts are painless and have you looking your best.

Final Thoughts

We have come a long way from the creation of brow waxing and lash lifts. Science has stepped in, and we now know how to make you look your best without the pain during our day spa treatments. Norman day spa enthusiasts do not have to fear sewing needles or other medieval practices. You can schedule a lash lift or brow waxing in the morning, get your treatment over lunch, and look your best the rest of the day. If you agree with ancient wisdom that the eyes are the windows to the soul, then step into a modern Norman day spa. It is time to give your peepers the love they deserve. The lash experts at White Rainbow Spa are ready to give you a look that will surely stand the test of time. Contact us today to book your appointment right away.


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